Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for DataBiz Eolas and then choose the DataBiz Eolas app and click Get to install it on your phone. Please see image below to ensure you install the correct app.
Please accept the requested permissions to allow you to receive notifications.
Alternatively, if you are reading this message on your iPhone, please click the following link to be brought directly to the app:
DataBiz Eolas on the App Store
Android phones
Open the Google Play Store on your phone and search for DataBiz Eolas and then choose the DataBiz Eolas app and click Install to install it on your phone. Please see image below to ensure you install the correct app.
Please accept the requested permissions to allow you to receive notifications.
Alternatively, if you are reading this message on your android phone, please click the following link to be brought directly to the app:
DataBiz Eolas on the Play Store