This year we held our Active School Week just after the June Bank Holiday. The weather forecast wasn’t too promising but we were very lucky and the only day we couldnt spend a lot of time outside was Thursday.
On Tuesday we started with the Cha Cha Slide which was led by 5th & 6th classes. During the day GAA coaches, Conor and James, worked with us developing our football skills. We also did basketball and benchball. No rain!
On Wednesday the senior classes did a 10 km relay. The classes were divided into groups and at about 10.00 am they started the 10 km relay. Everyone started out for the first 500 m then two people took over and ran another 500 m, then two more took over and so on. They continued like this with everyone running a total of 2 km and when you added up all the 500 meters it came to 10 km.
On Thursday it was very wet so we did a lot of work inside. We had a Scavenger Hunt inside the school where questions were hidden in different locations and we had to find and answer them as quickly as possible. We also had Angela teach us some great dance moves in the afternoon. That was great fun.
Friday was our official Sports Day. Alan came in the morning and we did a fitness test with him. We than had some fun races before lunch, like the egg and spoon and sack races. After lunch we had a water race where teams had to fill a bucket with water with a small cup. The first team to make their bucket overflow was the the winner. We also did our Cha Cha Slide outside. We finished off the day with an obstacle course which was set up by the sixth class girls. We split into four teams and did our best to be the first team to finish.