A short reminder about percentages. Converting fractions to percentages
Welcome to our school site. Failte chuig ár suíomh idirlíon.
A short reminder about percentages. Converting fractions to percentages
Tips for estimating when dividing. Here is a short video outlining some short steps you can take to make estimating an answer when diving larger numbers a little easier.
We have just been notified that we have awarded a Green Flag for our work on the theme of water in our school Congratulation and well done to Ms. Egan and the Green Schools Committee. The Water theme looks at developing awareness around water conservation and how to effectively manage this important resource in our…
Here’s a very simple Scratch Project. You can make a sprite follow the arrow around the screen. Try it. Use a different sprite and background and maybe add sound.
A Mhuire Mháthair, Sé seo mo ghuí Go maire Íosa Go deo im’ chroí Ave Maria,mo ghrá Ave, Is tusa mo mháthair ‘s máthair Dé. A Mhuire Mháthair, I rith mo shaoil Bí liom mar dhídean Ar gach aon bhaol. A Mhuire Mháthair ‘tá lán de ghrást’ Go raibh tú taobh liom Ar uair mo…
This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
Dear Parents, We are now entering our 7th week of emergency measures and school closure. Unfortunately, it does not look like schools will be reopening in the near future and when they do it will be on a phased basis. Until we have notification from the Department of Education and Science, we cannot even guess…
Weekly Work – Our Final Week Hello everyone, Hello everyone! Well we have finally made it to the last week of school. Thank you for doing as much as was possible at home. It has been such an unusual year! We have all missed the routine and the general world of school. There is a lovely poem…
Here is a short tutorial on accessing Folens’ library of online books. Here is a short tutorial on accessing material on Google Classroom.
Geography/Science Trees – pages on Padlet and Google Classroom Maths Maths worksheets on Area All of todays work can be accessed on Google Classroom and through Friday’s Padlet Drop Everything And Read today at 12.00 pm for an hour. If it’s fine, sit outside and enjoy the weather. There’s and end of week Kahoot as…