Dear Parents / Guardians,
The final phase of reopening of primary school buildings will take place next Monday on March 15th when all remaining classes return to the classroom.
Please forgive the repeated reminders that we must all do our best to ensure our school buildings remain open. As I have stated in previous letters home, the precautions and procedures as laid out by the Department of Education last August will remain in place. I know you are tired of hearing the same thing over and over but I cannot emphasise how important it is that we continue to adhere to the guidelines and restrictions placed upon us to keep our schools as safe as possible. So again we ask that you remind your children of the distancing and respiratory hygiene rules before they return to the classroom. We must now also ask that you complete a Return to School Declaration Form either online here or download and print the form from the link below and return it on the day your child returns. The Department of Education also requests that this form be completed and returned to the school after any absence from this point on.
“Parents of children returning in this phase will be asked by the school to complete the declaration form at the attached link:
This form is to be used when children are returning to the setting after any absence.”
Infection rates in the community are still quite high and recent reports indicate it may be the middle of May before we reach levels which will allow the relaxation of current restrictions. We ask that you be extra vigilant and err on the side of caution if your child is unwell. We would ask that you consider not only the health of your own child, but the health and safety of the other children in your child’s class and the staff who work with them. If you suspect your child is “under the weather” and contact the school for advice we will not be advising one way or the other that you send your child to school and will leave that decision to you as their parent or guardian. However, we will be in contact with you if your child feels unwell in school and ask that you call for your child as soon as possible. We appreciate that this is inconvenient but we must be as careful as possible to maintain an infection free environment in school. While we cannot guarantee that we will reduce the risk to zero, we will do our best to keep your child and all the pupils and staff as safe as possible.
We look forward to welcoming back the rest of our pupils next Monday and hope that the remainder of the school year will be spent in the classroom.
Upcoming Events
First Confession will take place in school on a date to be confirmed before we close for our Easter Break. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we cannot invite parents into the school for the ceremony. Dates for Confirmation and First Communion are still unclear and will be dictated by Government decisions on the reopening of churches.
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day: School Closed
March 26th Easter Break: School will be closing at the normal time of 3.00 pm