We went on a walk to a Farm for the day. It was really fun. We saw cows and calves.
If you stuck your fingers into the calves’ mouths they would suck your fingers .
Next we saw the milking parlour and he showed us how everything works .
Then we saw the cows.
The Farmer drives a Massey Ferguson and a John Deere tractor.
He started farming 20 years ago. He did not grow up as a farmer but his uncle was a farmer so got to go on the farm a lot as well.
He works on a farm for 7 hours a day . There are 2 calves that were born last night and stood up for the first time ever in front of us . He has only been a dairy farmer since 2015 .
He has one of the calves that he has named and the name is Bruce because the calf has a Batman symbol. Then he talked to us a bit more about how much milk the cows can make in a day . Cows are the only animals that he has apart from dogs but they are not farm dogs they are pet dogs. He does not know who he is going to give the farm to when he retires.
He milks his cows around 2 times a day.
He wanted to do farming because there is good money in it and he loves farming in general.
When the cows are being milked grain comes out of a tube and falls into a trough and they can eat while they are being milked . The parler can fit 14 cows at a time.
We gave the farmer a card that we all signed and sweets and then we walked back to the school.
By Fiadh Clarke 7/2/23
4th class