Department of Education
An Roinn Oideachais
8 May 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In Budget 2023, I was delighted to secure funding for a landmark new scheme that provided, for for the the first time ever, free schoolbooks for all children and young people enrolled in recognised primary schools and special schools.
Year 1 of this valuable scheme saw all children and young people in recognised primary and special schools being provided with the books, workbooks and copybooks they needed and other items to support them in maximising their journey through education.
My Department will continue to provide this funding to schools for the coming school year. This means that:
- schoolbooks, workbooks, and copybooks will be provided to all children and young people enrolled in your school
- the the cost of these items will be eliminated for your families and will ease the financial burden facing families at back-to-school time.
Through this measure, we are enhancing equity of access to education. All children and young people enrolled in recognised primary and special schools can commence the new school year in 2024/25 with the same schoolbooks and classroom resources as other children and young people in their class.
It is important to note that schools have been advised to provide, at a minimum, schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks from the funding available. Once these have been provided, the funds should then be used to eliminate costs of related classroom resources such as pens, pencils, and erasers or other materials, as far as possible.
My Department has published an information leaflet for parents/guardians on how the new scheme will operate. The scheme guidance and parents’ leaflet is published at Should you have any query in relation to this new scheme, please email:
With every good wish

Norma Foley TD
Minister for EducationMinister for Education
Sráid Maoilbhríde, Baile Átha Átha Cliath Cliath 1, D01 RC96
Marlborough St, Dublin 1, D01 RC96
T: 01-889 6400 |