Dear Parents/Guardians
As we approach the Easter break, we want to thank you for your hard work and support in helping your children access the materials and resources we have been providing over the past couple of weeks. We appreciate the difficult and stressful times families are having, some trying to work from home and others who find themselves temporarily unemployed due to the crisis. On top of that there is the ever-present fear of becoming sick.
During the break we suggest that you and your children put the schoolwork to one side; we will pick up again on April 20th, hopefully in school but if not online. Life has been so hectic, confusing and frightening for everyone since March 12th that we should now stop and take a breath. The break from schoolwork will give you and your family an opportunity to spend more time looking after your well-being and general health, both mental and physical.
On our return to school and if we are still working from home, we hope to establish a system where parents can communicate via email with the teachers. Details on how this will operate will be available in due course. Can I ask that if you have not already provided the school with an email address that you do so over the Easter break. We appreciate that some of you do not have email addresses, but you might set up an address over the next few days and email me at the address below. Until we have an email address from every family, we are depending on text messages for communication which is less than ideal.
You may confirm your email address by contacting me at:
Finally, on behalf of the staff and Board of Management of Lumcloon National School I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter. We hope that you, your families and relatives stay healthy and well.
Kind Regards
Greg Gilligan